
Scouting Season Begins

What Your Need to Know About Boy Scounts in Livingston County

September 11, 2014
Last year my son started his adventure in Cub Scouts.  As a first grader he started as a Bear, and this year will serve as a Wolf.  The whole experience has been full of learning, enrichment, leadership and skills building.  One thing rings true about scouting spoken eloquently by our Den Leader, "Each boy going into scouts comes out a better person." Boys grades K-5 can be part of a "den" by joining Cub Scouts. 

So now your elementary school probably sent home information about scouting and are announcing their informational meetings. Here is what you need to know:

Groups are assigned by age and are joined by the rest of the community to form a "pack"  Many activities are planned throughout the year including field trips, day camps, overnight camps and much more.  Boys can join at anytime, at any age.  You will have to pay pack dues and national dues.  Boys will need to fundraise and primarily selling popcorn.  (Its pretty easy).  There will be meetings, opportunities to try new things and learn new skills. 

If you didnt get the informational announcements from the school, here is a list of local troops:

Brighton - Troop 350
Brighton & Hartland - Troop 385
Howell - Troop 362
Pinckney - Troop 312
South Lyon - Pack 236
Whitemore Lake - Pack 409